Tuesday, December 21, 2010

To Be Mary....

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  Luke 2:19

I have thought about this verse many times over the years since I became a mother.  Mary is very close to the top of my list of people I want to sit down and talk to when I arrive in heaven.  I want to hear the intimate details of what her heart felt knowing what a great responsibility she was taking on at such a young age.

I can not imagine knowing that I had been chosen to bring into this world the Son of God at such a young age... what faith God must have had in her.  I think about what it would be like now... in this world that we live in... for a young girl to face what she did... would she have kept the child.  How many blessings have been lost in this day and time.... but that's another post....

I know that I think on... "ponder" so many things for my children.  Will they be healthy?  Will they grow up happy?  Will they serve the Lord?  What is God's plan for their life and how can I help that?  Does God already know what they would be..  I "ponder" these things in my heart, as I pray for guidance from the Father to be the best mother and example of His love that I can be.

I wonder... how often did Mary call out to the Father she served, who was also the Father of her son...
I wonder... what was it like to kiss the face of the baby, that would also become her Savior...

I wonder......

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I hear Mike English sing the version of "Mary Did You Know?" it brings me to tears thinking the same things you are pondering.Mary had the gift of bringing to this world the most precious one in my life. Without him we would not celebrate Christmas and with him we celebrate so much more. Merry CHRISTmas Vanessa! I miss you!
