Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting with a challenge....

we had a wonderful worship service this morning.  I am so very thankful for my church, LifeChurch Birmingham! 

Today our youth pastor, Larry Lamb spoke in the service. He covered 4 aspects of our life that we must put into place for 2011.  I can say that some of these are a real challenge for me....  but God moved my heart today... and I have purposed that this will be NEW in m life this year.  I can honestly say that I have never, ever been as excited, almost giddy with anticipation of what God is going to do in my life this year.  I just know there is going to be some amazing things ahead!

So what are these 4 things:

1.  Forgiveness.  (Forgiving anyone who I hold un-forgiveness for.  We are not hurting them in any way, in fact... most likely they do not even know or have long since forgotten.)

2. Obedience.  (At all cost... I must be in direct obedience to God and His Word... is there any other way?)

3. Thankfulness. (Being thankful for every thing!  I really struggle with this... especially when it seems so many things seem to fall apart at one time.  Lord, help me to be truly thankful for all I DO have... knowing you have more in store for me if I am faithful.)

4.  Faith.  (We must have faith, strong faith.  Faith that says keep on walking God has it all under control, even when we know we have NO control. )

So those are some of the things I'll be focusing on for the beginning of 2011!..

God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful message, Hon -- I will take this challenge with you and aim for growing in these four areas during 2011!

    LiC - kim
