Saturday, January 15, 2011

He Is One

Daily Nugget:

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I will give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.  Deuteronomy 6:4-9

God told Israel to hear that The Lord is One.  There was and is and never will be but one God.  That is comforting to me.... that He is Always!  He reminded the Israelites of this often, He was and is a jealous God and desire all of our affections.  I've realized since beginning this 90 Days through the Bible that I have not been giving God the time and attention that He so rightly deserves.  My heart has been broken as I realize He has not been the only "lord" in my life. 

I realize that God seeks fellowship with His people and requires us to Love Him.  I have to give Him my love, loyalty and gratitude if I want to walk in a covenant relationship with Him, just as the Iraelites did.  I must love Him with every fiber of my being... everything I am, have, or ever want.. I must love him.  If I am so completely devoted and in love with Him and sit and walk in this love we share, then I am much more able to follow the second part of this command given in the New Testament, to love my neighbor. 

God expects us to know His commandments, to "chew" on them, to think on them, to keep them in front of our mind every moment of our day and night.  The commands He has given us are not to be just "picked up" when it's convenient, but to be EVER PRESENT in our daily life.

I am required to teach my children and future generations.  It's my responsibility to break it down, feed them piece by piece.  To make them understand from the moment they enter into the world what their Creator wants them to do and how to live as they grow.  I admit... I've not succeeded with this as I should.  Too often I have relied on "church" to do it. I know I have a higher calling as a mother than to just take "care" of their needs, I must tend their hearts and minds like a fertile field.

Devotion to God at home is not an option, it is commanded by God.  Everything we do, even to the very simplest of daily living, can be related to God and impressed on our children. I know that I have been called to do more, to make sure they know more than just what they are taught at church, but for me to share with them who I see that God is and how He is at work in our home.

Well... I can't believe this journey we have been on since beginning in Genesis.  I am in awe of God' presence through His word.  I am amazed by how He has worked through the travel of the Israelites. God is always there with His people...we need only to have faith.

Lord God, I know that I have not given 100% to teaching my children your Word.  Forgive me for relying on teachers at church.  Show me daily how to pour your life giving words into their lives.  I love you God, the One and Only God.  You continue to amaze me!

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