Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.  Psalm 119:32

Freedom is not... being able to indulge in all of your desires.  That is slavery to the world.  The world wants you and I to believe that we can HAVE anything we want.  Nothing is off limits, everything is for your pleasure, for your taking.  But that brings bondage.  Chains that are not easily broken, chains that hold us captive for years.

Real freedom only comes from God.  The God who loved us so much that He sent His only son, Jesus, to die for us and free us from the chains of this world. 

Real freedom only comes from following God's commands.  His plan is so much bigger and greater and powerful than anything we could ever imagine for ourselves.  But there are "rules" to His plan.  His word is very specific about how we should live and what we should do.

God's word reveals all we need to live in freedom.  So why do we so easily become ensnared in all that this world offers?  Why is it so easy to walk any way but HIS way?

We have power within us, power from our Father, to give us the ability to be free.  There is no sacrifice to great... but then again, what we gain when we lay down the world... wow... you can not even imagine how free you will be.

One  more thing about freedom, It is saying, "I don't need anything, except what God gives me."  When we make this our passion, to only need and crave what God wants for us, we are free.  Free from the commercials, the images, the ads... free from what the world tells us we should possess, should look like, should strive for.... it is all in vain. 

Freedom is accepting every "good and perfect gift" from the Father, and knowing it is enough.  Freedom is knowing every step we take, following the footprints of our Savior, is taking us to places we would never have imagined.  Freedom is ....... FREE! 

Father, in a world calling out to me to buy into it's pleasures, may I stand strong and walk only in the paths of Your commands.  May my freedom come from knowing You give "good things" to your children.  May my freedom always be found in You.  Amen.

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