Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior; Who daily bears our burdens.
Psalm 68:19

During my prayer time last night, I was reading through some of the Psalms.   During this 21 days of fasting with our church, my prayers have been very specific for several of my family members.

I carry a deep and heavy burden for my brother.  We grew up in church, knew what God required of us, and he believed.  But now, he has been away from God for many, many years.  Sometimes, I feel if prayer for him is futile.  I feel like it is falling on deaf ears of God...  

Yet, last night while interceding for him, this verse jumped out to remind me, that God "daily" bears the same burdens I carry.  What a freedom!  

I grow weary sometimes, I admit, when prayers seemingly go unanswered.  Prayers that come from deep within me, you know those prayers that really do cause a "groaning".  I love how Beth Moore has described those prayers... that "ugly face" prayers.  But those are my deep prayers that kicks me in the gut and causes me to get on my face before God!

Sometimes it feels that I carry it alone.... but I do not.  God is faithful to remind me of that in His word!  I find comfort in knowing everything important to me, is important to God, and that I truly do NOT carry my burdens alone!  He is a great God;  full of compassion for His children and I am so thankful.

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