Sunday, February 27, 2011

Please Pray..

A wonderful man from our church is fighting for his life.  In just a matter of days his body had been attacked by a disease that is fast and angry and he is in critical condition.

We know that God is able to heal and totally change the entire situation for His glory. 

Please pray for Brett and his wife Laura and their family.  He needs a divine miracle from the father of all miracles!

Thanks in advance!  More blog posts soon!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yesterday was my birthday.  I turned 40 years old.  I must say that I have celebrated to the uttermost!  My family has been amazingly wonderful... and I am blessed beyond measure!  I am overwhelmed by the love shown!

My husband did an amazing thing... it was actually a project in the works since Christmas, but he just finished it in time for my birthday!  My loving husband spend endless hours (with the help of my son Caden, my father and grandfather) to build me a family alter.  It is beautiful.  The design took deep thought and every piece is precious.  Every piece of wood has scripture written on it.  All the measurements represent something religious in nature.  The cross that my grandfather carved is made of two different types of wood, both grown on our family land.  On Sunday, a former pastor and dear friend will come and consecrate the alter and my entire family will have communion together.  I am so excited!  God is moving in my family... and this is just a small piece of heritage I want to leave for my children.

More information later.  Thanks for following my blog.  Please invite anyone you think that might be blessed.

In closing, here are a few photo's of my wonderful surprise from my husband!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Easy Button

Daily Nugget:

Stop doing wrong, learn to do right!    Isaiah 1:16b-17

I love the book of Isaiah!  So many wonderful glimpses of the future, or the Christ to come, of all that was ahead for those who loved Him.  Excited to be there today!!!

This particular scripture just JUMPED off the page at me.  Can it really be this easy?  Can being a christian be so simple in reality?  Why not? 

Stop doing wrong.  That is pretty straight forward.  Don't do it... if God said it is evil, then don't do it.  All throughout His word He has given us His commands to live by.  If something does not line up with the WILL AND WORD of God, just don't do it!

Learn to do right.  Well that's pretty easy too.  As I just stated, His word is filled with His commands for our life.  All the things we must do, the right things to live by and the standard of which we are to live is right there in the Word of God.  Just learn it and do it!

Now, I do realize that being a christian and following the way of the Lord is not "easy".  We will be persecuted, temped, abused, looked at like we are nuts... well you get my meaning.  No one said it is really "easy".

But my point is... we make living for God sooooo difficult, when it is really simple.  Stop doing wrong.  Stop lying, cheating, stealing, cussing, abusing, being unfaithful, just stop sinning!  We have a way... the Holy Spirit that came to dwell with us... that gives us a way!.  So if it is wrong... just STOP! 

Learn to do right.  Seek God, get into the Word, meditate on His Word and DO IT!  It really is a simple plan.  God's mercy and grace provided a Savior, His Son, Jesus Christ.  Accept Him, serve Him, love Him, follow Him... and great is our reward in heaven! 

Stop doing wrong, learn to do right... and though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be whiter than snow.  Though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.  Easy!

Friday, February 18, 2011


I admit I am just a few days behind on the reading for 90 Days through the Bible. But it is my weekend to catch up on it all!  Woo Hoo!

The past few days it seems that so many people I love and care about have had some serious life issues come up.  Health, family, major attacks from the father of lies.... thats just a few.  My heart has been heavy for each one and my one on One discussions have become frequent wherever and whatever I have been engaged in.  (Isn't it wonderful that He has ears to hear anytime, anyplace?) 

I have spent a lot of time reflecting and studying the Tabernacle.  I posted a few days ago, how amazing it was that my Bible reading, Beth Moore study and our Wednesday night study has all been around the Tabernacle.  I know God has something HUGE to teach me... it can't just be a coincidence. 

Anyway... all day today my heart has been camped on who God said He was.  He said "I AM".. He is "I AM" and forever will be, "I AM".  So what does that mean for me and for you?  Well what is your need at this moment?   I AM your healer, I AM your provider, I AM your peace, I AM your desire, I AM (fill in the blank).  There is no limit to what God is... He is anything we need.

So often we (I) go everywhere looking for what I need, instead of to the SOURCE of all I need.  But if He is I AM, that is the first place I should be going. 

God I pray that I would keep You, the Great I AM ever before my eyes.  May I never seek to find my answers for my needs anywhere but You and Your will for my life.  You are my everything...

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day!  I pray that today you are amazed and overjoyed by the sweet love of God.  May you be thrilled and overwhelmed that you have a God that loves you so much, that He is pursuing you with great intensity!  He longs to lavish upon us so much love.  He longs for us to sit at His feet and adoringly look into His eyes with love in return.  There is no greater "Valentine" than the saving grace and love of the Father.  His love is so deep... it is unfathomable! 

Enjoy one of my favorite songs!  (More Psalms tomorrow, I have a few days of catch up!)  Be blessed!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Prayer...

I'm going to take a short break from posting about my current reading schedule!

During our Wednesday night services our amazing pastor, Tim Mills at Life Church Birmingham has been teaching on the Tabernacle.  I must just say... it has been amazing!  It's just like God, to bring this 90 day's through the Bible, teaching at church, and my new Beth Moore study all centered around the Tabernacle!  Apparently God has something He wants me to know about "His dwelling place".

The following prayer was written by Pastor Cho, the former pastor of the largest Assembly of God church in South Korea.  It is a prayer that he wrote "praying" through the tabernacle.  This particular portion is in regards to the  golden lampstand.  It's beautiful.  Just 'had' to share.

Holy Spirit, I welcome a deeper more intimate relationship with you today.
Dear Holy Spirit, through your anointing give me your wisdom.
Help me to solve all the problems I face through your wisdom.
Give me your understanding so that I may understand the deep truths of God,
and I may live those truths and pass them on to my children.
Give me counsel so that I will follow your narrow path.
If it pleases you, allow me to advise others how to solve their problems.
Give me tremendous might so that I might be used by you to heal the sick and cast out the devil.
You are the same yesterday, today and forever.
Holy Spirit, increase my knowledge of the Bible.
Give me a keen fear of the Lord so that I walk very softly before you and not commit any sin.
Give me holiness through your presence, O Lord!
Holy Spirit you are a person, not a genie.
The Father worked in the forefront during the Old Testament and Jesus worked in the New; I live in the Age of the Holy Spirit.
I don't want to catch quail with my bare hands.
I want your wind to blow the quail into my camp.
I want to depend on you, Holy Spirit, not my own strength.
You are not an acrobat.
You are a Holy Person with a will, and emotions.
Forgive me for treating you impersonally.
You should be welcomed, loved, caressed, adored, worshipped.
You are my senior partner, you are my Lord.  I depend upon you.
Let's go, Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your anointing.
Let's work together.
I will follow you!
Holy Spirit

Monday, February 7, 2011


Daily Nugget:

Ezra opened the book.  All the people could see him because he was standing above them; and he opened it, the  people all stood up.  Ezra praised the Lord, the great God; all the people lifted their hands and responded, "Amen! Amen!"  Then they bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.  Ezra 8:5-6

There is nothing in my life as important or needed on a daily basis than worship.  I am a worshiper. 

It is in worship that we draw near to God with joy and gratitude for what He has done for us in and through Christ Jesus.  Worship expresses faith, love and devotion from our hearts and with our lives to God the Father and to the worthy lamb who was slain for our sins.

I believe there are two key principles in worship.  First, true worship takes place in spirit and truth.  It takes place in God's revelation of Himself.  It involves our spirit, not just our mind... but a deep connection with our very soul! Second, worship should follow the NT pattern for the church... we are to desire and seek all elements of worship found in the NT.  The gifts of the Spirit are at work in our worship. 

Much of the OT worship involved sacrifices.  Today, since Christ served as our once and for all sacrifice, there is no need for further shedding of blood.  As the NT church we are encouraged to "continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - confessing His name (Heb 13:15) and to offer our bodies as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1).

All throughout the scriptures singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs were primary ways to worship.  That is still in tact today.  There is so much music available to us today.  Many of the worship songs and hymns can bring us directly before the Throne of God easily.  It should be a sweet offering to Him.  But I personally believe that we need to hold all music to a standard.  It must be in agreement with the scriptures and relevant in drawing people to HIM and not overtly about US.  (I could write a whole paper on that one thought.)

What about prayer as a part of worship?  Of course... it is a huge part of our worship!!!  I admit this was preciously instilled in my life during my church bodies recent 21 day fast.  I spent more time on my face in prayer to the Father than I have in a long time.  I'm not proud of that... but I believe God wonderfully accepted my prayers and drew me to a keen understanding of how very important it is to be on a daily basis.

I believe a prominent part of our prayers need to be spend in thanksgiving and adoration.  God wants to know our heart and our needs, but we do not need to just go before Him constantly with a "we want" list.  Spend some time reading and meditating on the Lords Prayer.  It is the most beautiful example of how we should pray!

Worship consists of reading the scriptures.  Even in the OT the people were commanded to assembly every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles to publicly read the Law of Moses.  And here we come to the least talked about act of worship... tithes and offerings.  Yes it is worship!  We are to give to the Lord what is His... none of it is really ours.. He enabled us to work, gives us the gifts to do things for monetary gain... but in the end it is all His. It is a definite act of worship to our Lord.

Our NT worship is wonderful and amazing... even more so than in the OT maybe.  Why?  Because we have been given the gift and the gifting of the Holy Spirit.  The gifts and manifestations given by the Holy Spirit brings our worship to a higher level.  Our job is to keep seeking Him and going higher and higher!!!

There's just something about our worship that brings us closer and closer to the Savior!  Isn't worship wonderful!!!  I love to worship, to enter into His presence, to sit at His feet, and to feel His love just radiate over me.  There is nothing more wonderful than this. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stiff-necked People!

Daily Nugget:

Do not be stiff necked, as your fathers were; submit to the Lord.  Come to the sanctuary, which he has consecrated forever.  2 Chronicles 30:8

Hezekiah brought forth four truths that brought about genuine repentance.

1)  God's people must turn their hearts back to Him.  They must have a desire to forsake their sin and confess Him as Lord over their life.  It must be a total commitment to Him alone.  God will not bless His people who are living in "willful" sin.

2)  God's people must return with a fervent love for Him.  It must be a total 100% commitment to obey His commandments and keep covenant with Him.    We must pursue purity of heart and obey His Word.  It must be a total dedication... not half-hearted.

3) God's people must come to Him in humility.  We must have a submission and worship and in service to connect with His love.  The words "submit to the Lord" litteraly means to "give the hand to the Lord".  We must submit to His calling, to His leading.  We must give our "hands" to Him to work through for the sake of His kingdom.

He loves us.  He pursues us.  He is longing and waiting for a return of His people. We can not be stubborn and "stiff-necked"... or we will miss out on such amazing power and grace that is ours to have through Him.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fully Committed

Daily Nugget:

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.  2 Chronicles 16:9

Asa became King of Judah.  God came upon Azaraih with a message for Asa... the Lord is with you when you are with Him.  If you see Him, He will be found by you... but if you forsake Him....

This message gave Asa strength and courage to do what was right.  He followed in the Lord, He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.... for years God was with him in all that he did.  But something changed...

Another king came against Asa... however instead of seeking God first, he took it upon himself to enlist another powerful King.  Together they conquered more territory.  But a seer came to Asa and confronted him, because he did not rely on the Lord, who had already proven Himself more than able to help Asa.

How often do we take matters into our own hands?  Hasn't God proven Himself faithful to us over and over?  Do we not know by now that He is there and ready to fully strengthen us when we fully rely on Him?  So why do we do what know we should not do?  

God values those who are so devoted to Him that He seeks us out.  God strongly supports those who have given everything to Him in their righteous plans, deeds of faith, and times of danger and trials.  If we are truly and completely devoted to God... He will give us strength and hold us up!

In the OT God showed a difference in those whose hearts were completely His and those who were divided between Him and the world.  We see this again in the NT, in Revelations where these two types of people are compared:  faithful over-comers and the luke-warm. 

God calls us to love HIM completely and He is jealous for us.  We can not be double minded in our relationship with Him.  There really isn't a middle ground... it is all or none.  God will not share our heart with things of this world.  He values US too much... and He will not share us. 

My friends, where does your heart belong?  Is it ALL to Jesus or just mostly to Jesus?  There really isn't an option... it must be fully and totally surrendered to Him.  Oh Lord, may I be found fully committed to You and You alone!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Daily Nugget:

...and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.  The priests could not enter the temple of the lord because the glory of the Lord filled it.  2 Chronicles 7:1b-2

Everything had been completed by Solomon, just as the Lord had given instruction.  The temple was finished... it was gloriously beautiful!   Can you imagine the sight of it all!  The gold and bronze, it must have been overwhelming!  So much work, so many years... but finally it was complete.

Solomon prayed, "O Lord God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place!"  It was a perfect moment in time for Solomon and the people of Israel.  

Solomon closed his prayer and suddenly fire came from heaven and consumed all the burnt offering and sacrifices.  They were acceptable and pleasing to Him!  At that moment God's glory, His wonderful, majestic, and holy presence filled the temple!  

God's visible presence, so awesome that the people bowed down, face down, and gave Him praise and worshiped Him.  Can you imagine?  I do not know that I could have contained myself.  They sang praise to Him saying, "He is good, His love endures forever."  What a worship service!

I long for the presence of God.  For His glory to fill our place of worship!  To bow before Him and proclaim, He is good and His love endures forever!!!  I want to feel in a tangible way that He is near, and to be warmed by His presence!  He still meets with us today.  

If we pray for God to forgive us, turn from our ways, serve Him completely, offer Him our sacrifice.... He is still faithful to meet with us.  His presence continues to fill our temples! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

David's Mighty Men

Daily Nugget:

And David became more and more powerful, because the Lord Almighty was with him.  1 Chronicles 11:9

God was with David.  David has a purpose and a destiny that God had spoken over him.  With great destiny, he needed people to help and there was no short fall of men wanting to side with David.  I think if I had been a man in OT time, I would have wanted to be on David's side as well!

The scripture records the men who chose to follow David.  They were called "mighty men" because they accomplished great things for David in the name of the Lord.  They helped David to secure his throne and wage war against those who opposed him.  They held him up, they fought for him, they supported him.... they "had his back" you might say.

As I was reading about these awesome men and their great accomplishments two thoughts rushed into my mind.  My first thought was that we all need our "mighty men" (or women) in our life to help us accomplish what God has set us to do.  We need people in our lives who are going to fight for us, wage war for us, hold us up.  Not in a literal sense of flesh and blood, because what we war against is not of flesh and blood, but in principalities and powers of this world (an not of this world).  When God gives us a destiny, there will always be something fighting us to arrive where God wants us to be.

Think about those who you consider your friends.  Do you have a "mighty" group that you know "has your back"?  I will be honest and say that finding those people for myself has been difficult.  Until recently, I have only had a very few people that I know who truly "fought" for me.  God is bringing new and wonderful people into my life right now... and I am so thankful for that!

Several years ago, God blessed my life with a "mighty woman" who I have never met in real life.  We met online because of a crafting interest we shared.  Throughout these past nine years, Ms. Kim has been a blessing to me.  We do not talk often, she lives on the other side of the country from me, but I know without a doubt that she holds me up in prayer.  When situations have come against me or my family, she is the first on my list to contact to pray.  I KNOW, that she wars in the heavenly for me.  I hope that some day, this side of heaven I can meet her face to face... but until then (or we meet in heaven)... I know that she has "my back" .

If you do not have someone like this in your life, pray that God would send you a spiritually mighty man/woman.  God hears our prayers and the desires of our hearts and I know that He will answer.

The second thought about these "mighty men" was that they were fierce in battle.  Men also came to David daily to help make him King as promised, and to keep that kingdom established.  Many men came to David after he had been anointed, but still had not taken his rightful place as king while Saul remained.  They placed themselves under Davids authority before his kingdom came to full fruition. 

We, as Christ followers here on earth, have placed ourselves as "mighty men" for our Savior, in a time where He is being rejected.  We are fighting for our KING and His kingdom although it has not been fully established.  We bow before His authority and fight for Him.  So I ask you, as I asked myself.... are you a "mighty man" in service to our King?  Are we fighting in the heavenly?  Are we waging war on the things of this world that has rejected our Savior?  Or... do we lack courage when it get's "ugly" in war?  Do we cower in fear instead of pulling our sword and charging forward for His cause?  If we will stand strong He is able and willing to lead us with His Word and His Spirit.  What will you decide?

Almighty King... I am Yours.  Give me strength as I draw my sword and march into war for Your Kingdom!  Give me favor.  Give me like minded friends who will go with me.  May I never fear or falter in Your service until Your kingdom is fully established.  Give me wisdom and courage to discern what I wage war against.... not flesh and blood, but the evil and principalities at work seeking to devour.  May I clothe myself with Your armor and be ever ready for battle!