Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunday Worship

I am attempting again to join in at the Sunday Set list at Fred McKinnon's Blog. Many worship leaders post what their Sunday was like in music and worship right here:

So here we go:

Opener: We Are Exalted

Set 1: Worthy of Worship

Set 2: We Will Worship The Lamb of Glory
To The Only God
I Worship You, Almighty God

We had a wonderful time of worship, a bit different than the usual, but the sweet presence of the Father was with us. Thank you Lord, for being so good to us!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Constantly amazed...

by God's infinate Grace!

I have been primarily responsible for our Advent part of the services this year. And as I have studied and planned, I have been so blessed by realizing so much about Christ's first coming, and anticipating His second.

My pastor has shared some wonderful messages this season, and they have tied into where we are in our world right now, what God is calling us to, and that it's not going to be easy.... but we have a HOPE! We have a FUTURE! We have Christ Jesus who came, and will come again.

We are so blessed.